Friday, June 3, 2022

A Dead Rose Bush & the Armor of God

See this dead rose bush?  This was planted several years ago around some utility boxes on our (now 'my') property. I never liked it there. I work for a utility company. You really shouldn't plant things around utility boxes. Or, at the very least, you should leave ample space so utility workers are able to easily access the equipment when needed.  Further, please don't plant rose bushes (hello, thorns!) close to utility boxes...OUCH!  Frankly, when this was done, my opinions were not looked highly upon so it really never mattered what I thought. (Let me pause here...sometimes this was a good thing. I will never claim to be a genius.  And, common sense isn't always common for me.  However, having an open mind and hearing other's thoughts and opinions is healthy and should be encouraged, rather than discouraged - especially in a marriage.) Nonetheless, it seemed rather ironic to me that this rose bush was dead this year. The plant I never liked in this spot...dead...the first summer after my divorce. If that's not a sign, I don't know what is...time for the dead rose bush to COME OUT! Yay!  Well, I thought it was "yay" until...

I realized I had no shovel. 

Nope...didn't really "inventory" the tools that were taken in the divorce. I did request a list, but that fell on deaf ears.  And, trying to figure out everything that was taken just wasn't high on my priority list at the time. (Note: if you're going through a divorce, I highly encourage a list of things you DON'T get to keep so you know for future reference.) 

Back to the story...there I was...still with no shovel. I was left with this weird garden tool (at least that's what I think it is) that has a small straight, completely flat plate at the end. It was much too small for the project, but who really wants to go spend money and buy a shovel?  Leave it to me to use this random tool to try to dig out a rose bush.

Let me remind you...this is planted around UTILITY BOXES. I realized towards the end of the project that I didn't call one-call before digging. Remember that I work for a utility company? Yeah, duh me...not only am I digging with a non-shovel, random tool, but now I'm digging without a one-call AND with wearing work clothes with flip flops. Hey - I thought it would be a quick project...after all, it's DEAD! Nope..wrong again. Below is a picture of my wanna-be shovel (caked thick with dirt) and my super un-safe when digging flip flop! 

Despite my best efforts, it became clear that my wanna-be shovel wasn't going to cut it. So, off to Bomgaars we went to buy a "real" shovel. It was only $10.99!  Who knew?! Once I was able to return to the project (still with my flip flops on and no one-call), I handled the shovel like a rockstar!  Actually, no, the roots were so deep and twisted that I had to cut them with my handy-dandy big yard scissors (my 3rd favorite tool next to my weed eater and blower). But, between my scissors and my brand new shovel, I dug that darn rose bush up like a champ. And, thankfully, hit no utility lines in the process. Whew! Here's the proof...

I'm sure you're wondering where in the world I'm going with this. (Honestly, at this point, I'm kind of wondering that myself.)  Seriously, though, as I'm digging up this dead plant, I was surprised at the depth and complexity of its roots. I really thought it would be much easier to dig up / get out. 

Have you ever been so twisted and deep into sin that it takes SO much more than just a random tool and a little hard labor to stop it? Perhaps these deep roots are so hard to stop / disconnect / cut off that they make us ugly, unhappy, and basically dead on the outside. Yet, to those who see the hurting person on the outside, I think it's important that we consider the depth and strength of those things that tie us down - usually contributing to sin and/or our inability to see reality. 

Are we equipping ourselves with the right tools for the jobs we have? Just like many of you, I have challenging situations in life right now. In full transparency, I'm not using the tools available to me as I should be. Nope. I've allowed myself to stop devotions and Bible plans. I go to church, but I'm not consistently "in the Word" like I should be - or was just a few months ago. I've allowed the enemy to distract me from using the tools I really need. I've allowed the enemy to convince me that if I can do 100 things in one day, I'm more successful than doing 50. And, that's simply not the case. Sometimes we need to just slow down...spend more time in prayer and thanksgiving vs. thinking about what we don't have or can't get. And, we really need to be equipping ourselves with the right tools.  Sometimes a shovel purchased for a small price can make all the difference in the world. The same is true for the armor of God. This reminds me of a Bible study I did a few years back called "Armor of God" by Priscilla Shirer (it was great). Let's not skimp on the tools God has blessed us with...let's use the full armor and stand firm against the enemy and his evil ways... We know that God can help us out of any tangled up, deep rooted, messed up disaster.  We just need to be willing to accept the help and tools he has provided us with...even if that means buying one or 2.  Chances are, we already have them...just need to find them and use them as God intended and promised to us. 

Welcome to my Therapy Session...& those SHOES!

  The above picture... I want those shoes!  Like, I legit want them!  They scream confidence, authority, classiness, and - well, frankly - ...